Prof. Éric Taillard
University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland,
Route de Cheseaux 1, Case postale, CH-1401 Yverdon, Switzerland
Contact (anti-spam: replace the "x" by a "r")
Research domain: Parallel iterative searches, taboo search, ant system,
adaptive memory programming, meta-heuristics, vehicle routing, location
and allocation problems.
Basic Julia codes for the travelling salesman problem Nearest Neighbour, Pilot, 2-opt, 3-opt, reduced 3-opt, Lin-Kernighan, GRASP, Simulated Annealing, noising method, FANT, Tabu Search, Memetic Algorithm, Path Relinking, Pareto Local Search. Academic use only. Copyright: E. Taillard 2024
A Linearithmic Heuristic for the TSP, EURO Journal of Operational Research, 297(2):442--450, 2022.
Basic C codes for the travelling salesman problem Nearest Neighbour, Pilot, 2-opt, 3-opt, reduced 3-opt, Lin-Kernighan, GRASP, Simulated Annealing, noising method, FANT, Tabu Search, Memetic Algorithm, Path Relinking, Pareto Local Search. Academic use only. Copyright: E. Taillard 2023
Basic Python codes for the travelling salesman problem Nearest Neighbour, Pilot, 2-opt, 3-opt, reduced 3-opt, Lin-Kernighan, GRASP, Simulated Annealing, noising method, FANT, Tabu Search, Memetic Algorithm, Path Relinking, Pareto Local Search, etc. Published in: E. taillard, Design of Heuristic Algorithms for Hard Optimization, Springer, 2023, Open Access CC-BY 4.0 (See the revised versions in the "publications" tab)
Fast ant system for the quadratic assignment problem
Robust taboo search procedure for the quadratic assignment problem (new, c)
Robust taboo search procedure for the quadratic assignment problem (old, c++)
Simulated annealing procedure for the quadratic assignment problem
QUALOPT & STAMP: Comparison of non-deterministic heuristic methods
PlanetSolar and bus parking demo
Last revision : 2024.12.14