Format of vehicle routing problem instances : Number of customers, best known solution value Vehicle capacity xdepot ydepot For each customer : Customer number, x, y, demand Few files also have one or two solution at the end. The format of solutions is : Number of vehicles tours, service time for each customers, tour time limit For each tour : number of customers, 1. customer, 2. customer, ... Sources of the best solutions known : L. Gambardella, É. D. Taillard, "An ant system for the VRP", in preparation. A. Reinholz, Y. Rochat, É. D. Taillard, "Probabilistic diversification and intensification in local search for vehicle routing". Journal of Heuristics 1, 1995 147-167. É. D. Taillard, "Parallel iterative search methods for vehicle routing problems", Networks 23, 1993, 661 ­ 673.