Given a number of n customers with coordinates (xi, yi) (i = 1, ..., n), find a set of r routes, starting from a depot located at (x0, y0), and visiting all the customers such that : -- First objective : the length of the longest route is minimum, -- Second objective (after having minimized the first one) : the sum of the delivery hours of each customer (or average delivery time) is minimum. Particularities : 1) The distances are MANHATTAN distances i.e. the distance between customer i and j is |xi-xj| + |yi-yj| 2) The routes do not return to the depot. This problem was proposed by the Dutch journal "De Telegraaf" for servicing as soon as possible a set of 120 customer located in Manhattan. The route are performed by 4 bikers. There was many prizes of fl.5000.- for those who find the best solutions before October 22. 1996. In the professionnal category, the winner was Marco Wiering from IDSIA. Format of the data file : n, r 0, x0, y0 1, x1, y1, ..... n, xn, yn