[ QualOpt Project ]

É. D. Taillard - P. Waelti - J. Zuber


A significant part of logistics consists in optimizing processes. That implies the development and the test of modules of optimization. During this phase, it is necessary to gauge certain methods, to make sure in particular that the ratio 'quality/execution time' is as favorable as possible. In practice, one realizes that the process of development of methods of optimization and still largely made 'by hand' and does not rest on solid scientific bases.

An easy to use software, developed on a Web page, making it possible to visualize graphically the quality of various modules of optimization while validating the results by advanced statistical tests make it possible to render great services, as well for teaching, by the illustration and the test of methods, as for the development of modules of optimization.


Current available tools


Statistical Tests

Follow this link to find some online statistical tests


STAMP diagram generation

Follow this link to generate graph(s) to compare optimization methods